It was a win and a loss for the Valley last week.
As you may have heard, the Akron City Council approved rezoning Riverwood for a housing development last Monday. While we are extremely disappointed in the outcome, we are grateful to the hundreds of citizens who spoke out with us on behalf of Riverwood and the issues surrounding it. Read our full response to the Council's vote here.
However, all of us should take a lot of hope from something else that happened in Akron last week. The collective power of citizens' voices stopped the City of Akron's plans for fracking below Akron's primary water reservoir (LaDue) and potentially endangering the water supply that all of us depend upon. Major thanks due to Akron's Big Love Network and other area groups who led that effort.
Second Valley Conversation: Join us on Thursday, February 11 at 7 PM! We're holding our second virtual Valley Conversation to discuss the next issues facing the Merriman Valley and to introduce our push to modify Akron's CRA tax abatement program which we believe is creating inequities, defunding our schools, and incentivizing the destruction of greenspace. Register here and tell your friends!
Save Theiss Woods: Student contest details and action efforts for saving the 43 acres of Theiss woods from development are coming soon.
Preserve the Valley Signs: We love seeing our signs everywhere! They're a reminder to city leadership in Akron and Cuyahoga Falls that the environment matters to everyone. If you'd like a free yard sign, please contact:
5-minute Action: Say thank you to the two Akron council members who stood up for the Valley on Monday. They are Russ Neal ( and Rich Swirsky, Ward 1. In addition to casting votes against developing/rezoning Riverwood, both council members also spoke up for the environment and the need for a master plan. Rich Swirsky is going through cancer treatments, so his courage to make his voice heard last week was an inspiration to us all. Send thanks and get well wishes to: 183 North Highland Ave. Akron, OH 44303
Savor the gorgeous view above! Jeff Gibson's photo shows a winter dawn over the Valley's beaver marsh. ( We are fortunate to live, work, and play here. Hope to see you on February 11th!
Preserve the Valley Team
"An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." -- Henry David Thoreau.